It turns out I did much better in the exam then I expected with a good pass. Modules are not graded, but I am happy to pass given my worry about the exam! I also managed to pass Foundation in Business Analysis module quite well too, even though that was home studied. Last week, I […]
I’m Still Alive
I suppose those of you with sharp eyes and a good memory may have noticed I have failed to sustain the weekly blogging promise I initially made. I’ve unexpectantly experienced a change in work circumstance that I will not go into for numerous reasons but I’ve been taking some time out to recuperate and consider […]
Long Week
It’s been quite a long, tiring and eventful week and I wanted to wait till the working part was over before writing about it. Unfortunately, I have been made redundant from my role with The Telegraph Media Group as of yesterday. The timeline between knowing my job was even at risk to the announced decision […]